Sunday, August 10, 2008

Korean BBQ~


I had finished my promise with my classmate

seulgi and Tuan,

from the beginning of 2nd semester,

we keep talk about going to having dinner or lunch at Korean restaurant,

till today 10th of august 2008,

we made it!

and we start our trip from 2.00pm and end up at 9pm( 7 hours)

we having our Korean BBQ at the Korean village,

which is AMPANG.

actually we didn't planned anything,

just because Mr. Tuan's words,

so we decided to there.

Along the trip,

i had learn some Korean languages,

which is jo gu yo, kimchi hana yo,
(excuse me, 1 more kimchi please)


During that time we ordered pork for 3 pax,

2 plain pork,

and 1 marinated pork,

and 1 seafood soup,

when starting our lunch,

we took a vegetable,

then put everything we want into it,

then wrap it~

after that PUT inside my MouTH~


chewing it few times then swallow the Kimchi, pork, vegetable, kankung? haha!

taste good~

then during billing,

thanks to Mr.Tuan, haha!

he paid RM100 and i just clear the rest amount.

the total of it,

is RM108.75

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